Campus Security
We are extremely conscientious when it comes to the safety and security of our learning community. All students, parents, and staff are issued electronic ID cards so that everyone on campus is wearing identification and our community is accounted for at all times. Students are only permitted to be collected from school by parents or adults who are authorised to do so. Our campus is spacious yet enclosed, giving students from all ages the opportunity to explore their surroundings and take risks in a secure and safe environment.
Our Boarding students follow additional safety protocols as supported by the Reach App and online service that helps facilitate communication, location tracking, reporting, wellbeing checks and communication between house parents, school leadership and pastoral staff and parents and guardians.
Learn more about Child Safeguarding at UWC Thailand
Visitors on campus
UWC Thailand honours, supports and celebrates students’ development by providing opportunities for them to grow academically, socially, and emotionally. School-wide, we adhere to respectful, responsible, and compassionate interactions by reinforcing the importance of treating others the way that we wish to be treated.
All visitors on campus are also asked to review and abide by the spirit of the UWC Thailand Code of Conduct as well as act in accordance with the laws and cultural norms of Thailand and the UWC Mission. While our proximity to Thanyapura makes it easy to work-out after drop-off or before pick-up, please bear in mind that the school maintains a conservative dress policy. All visitors on campus are expected to carry and display a school issued ID tag and are asked to not take photographs of any students while on campus without permission.
Access To Campus
The safety of our students at UWC Thailand is of paramount importance, so all students, staff, parents & visitors are required to wear a valid school ID card. If any member of our community should loss/break their ID card then they are required to purchase a new card from our school reception. Visitors to campus are by pre-appointment only.
We are a non-smoking campus, drugs, alcohol, weapons are not allowed. As we are an education establishment appropriate dress code is expected, along with using appropriate language and being respectful to all members of our community. Only authorised animals are allowed on campus.
Read the full UWC Thailand Child Safeguarding Policy #4.1 document
Read the UWC Thailand Child Safeguarding reporting procedure