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At UWC Thailand, we believe that a robust co-curricular programme helps to expand our students' experience and further builds community connections. To us, they are a vital part of student life and learning. To achieve this, we have structured our programme around five distinct areas that make up the co-curricular offerings and are administered through the Fun Office: Sports and Athletics, Performing Arts, the Activities Programme, and Clubs & Service Groups. 

The opportunities provided through competitive and non-competitive sports, after-school activities, performing arts, and service opportunities help develop many of the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile traits and prepare students to be successful in life and follow their passions. Our focus is on embedding camaraderie, independence, fair play, leadership, hard work, enjoyment, and fun within all our programmes. Every student will have the opportunity to be involved in the programme to some extent and at different times depending on their age.

Full Co-Curricular Programme Information

Our Co-Curricular Activities offer students an opportunity to pursue staff-led activities. Likewise, students can join our external partners' programmes through the school’s Extra Curricular Activities. The programme provides an opportunity to bring students, staff, parents, and the wider community together for learning, competition, pleasure, recreation, performing, and sharing. Additionally, the offered activities help students connect with peers across grade levels and the broader Thai environment, community and culture. The possibilities range from offerings before, during and after school as well as on weekends and during school breaks.

Making the co-curricular programme an integral part of the overall curriculum helps to foster a desire in students to learn about and from new topics. We believe that learning extends beyond the classroom and encourage our students to take full advantage of the opportunities offered. By trying out new interests, students have a chance to explore their talents, discover what they are passionate about, meet new people, and develop new skills. Students can explore projects and passions in service, creativity, sports, and culture. Sessions are run during lunchtimes, after-school, and on weekends.

Our combination of Co-Curricular Activities and Extra Curricular Activities provides opportunities for all age groups, though the vast majority cater to students in grades 1 to grade 12. At UWC Thailand, the school year is divided into three activity seasons, allowing students to explore various interests.

A typical activity will meet for one hour once a week. During the school year, there are three activity seasons, each around ten weeks in length. Registration for activities is done online via UWC Thailand’s SchoolsBuddy platform.

Please contact the Student Activities Office for questions about our activities programme.